Mr. Lim was appointed to the Board on 18 January 2018 as an Independent Non-Executive Director.
Mr. Lim is an established banker with extensive experience in the financial and banking industry. He has served a long career path of 38 years with Malayan Banking Berhad with his last position as Regional Head of Business Banking covering the Northern Region of Penang/Kedah/Perlis. He rose from the ranks starting as a clerk in year 1979 and had held supervisory and leadership roles in various capacities ranging from operations and credit management during his long and successful banking career. As Regional Head of Business Banking, he was responsible for the strategic planning to grow the commercial businesses especially in the aspects of commercial and corporate lending activities involving marketing, credit processes, business development, relationship management and most importantly ensuring asset quality for the Bank. Mr. Lim have also served in various states in the country, from Melaka, Johor, Kuala Lumpur to the northern region of Penang, Kedah and Perlis which gave him an advantage of wide network and connection to many of the businessmen in the region.
Mr. Lim graduated as a Diploma holder in Banking and Financial Services in year 1997 with Institute Bank-Bank Malaysia (“IBBM”) while pursuing his career in the banking industry. Mr. Lim is a certified credit practitioner and holds the Certified Credit Professional qualification since year 2002. He is an Associate member with IBBM which is now known as Asian Institute of Chartered Bankers.
Currently, Mr. Lim is an Executive Director of MSCM Holdings Bhd. (formerly known as PanPages Berhad). Mr Lim also sits on the Board of Macpie Berhad (formerly known as Sterling Progress Berhad) as a Non-Executive Chairman. Mr. Lim is an Independent Non-Executive Director and Chairman of Remuneration and Nomination Committtee of Dynaciate Group Berhad (formerly known as Tatt Giap Group Berhad).
Mr. Lim does not have any family relationship with any Director and/or major shareholder of the Company and does not have any conflict of interest with the Company. He has not been convicted of any offence within the past five (5) years other than traffic offences, if any, as well as any public sanction or penalty imposed by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year.